May 1, 2020
Come meet my friend Sean Carpenter. Sean has spoken with me at NAR TechEdge events, Inman Connect, and is the former Director of Agent Development for the Ohio NRT Companies.
Sean hopes to educate, motivate and inspire new agents to achieve the levels of success they desire as they enter the real estate business and continue to encourage and challenge experienced agents to reach their goals & exceed their wildest expectations in the real estate business and life.
We're going to hear him present;
“How to Keep In Touch When You’re Not Supposed to be Touching.”
It’s all about attitude, managing your database (the four levels of a successful business), leveraging the 4H Club for daily contact to earn “top of mind awareness” and Operation REACH OUT – a simple system for connecting with clients until we can get back to business as usual.
Bill Lublin is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
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Password: 726361
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