Case-Shiller Index

    Ignore The Case-Shiller Index; Focus On The Future Instead

    December's Case-Shiller Index showed major devaluations nationwide. As compared to December 2009, on a year-over-year basis, home values fell in 18 of the Case Shiller Index's 20 tracked markets, and the U.S. National Index dropped 4 percent overall. The retreat puts December's home values at similar levels as compared to early-2003.

    By |2017-08-10T02:37:39-04:00March 10th, 2011|Case-Shiller Index, Economy, Real Estate|Comments Off on Ignore The Case-Shiller Index; Focus On The Future Instead

    The Headlines Were Overly Rosy On February’s Case-Shiller Index

    Overwhelmingly, home values fell in the 20 markets tracked by the Case-Shiller. Only San Diego showed a modest increase. The other 19 markets averaged a 1.23 percent decline between January and February. However, that's not the story you read in the most papers.

    By |2017-08-10T02:41:28-04:00May 3rd, 2010|Case-Shiller Index, Economy, Real Estate|Comments Off on The Headlines Were Overly Rosy On February’s Case-Shiller Index

    Case-Shiller Shows Home Price Improvement In A Majority Of Cities Nationwide

    Standard & Poors released its Case-Shiller Index Wednesday. The report shows that, on a seasonally-adjusted basis, between December and January, home prices rose in more than half of the index's tracked markets. The strength of this month's Case-Shiller report, however, should be put in context.

    By |2017-08-10T02:42:02-04:00April 5th, 2010|Case-Shiller Index, Local, New Jersey, Pending Home Sales, Pennsylvania|Comments Off on Case-Shiller Shows Home Price Improvement In A Majority Of Cities Nationwide
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