Kitchen Gadgets

    Use An Automatic Stirrer To Keep Foods From Burning And Pots From Scorching

    It doesn't take much effort to stand over a pot and "stir continuously", as called for in some recipes. It can be tedious, though, and once a chef stops stirring or leaves a pot unattended, the recipe is sure to ruin. Enter the automatic stirrer.

    By |2017-08-10T02:37:48-04:00February 22nd, 2011|Consumer Interest, Just For Fun, Kitchen Gadgets|Comments Off on Use An Automatic Stirrer To Keep Foods From Burning And Pots From Scorching

    How To Keep Your Kitchen Knives Sharp

    If you own kitchen knives, you better keep them honed. That's because a dull knife blade not only slows you down in the kitchen, but it can be more dangerous than its ready-to-cut counterpart, too. In this brief, 2-minute video, you'll learn how to use a knife steel to keep your kitchen cutlery in top form.

    By |2017-08-10T02:41:44-04:00April 19th, 2010|Kitchen Gadgets|Comments Off on How To Keep Your Kitchen Knives Sharp
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