Planning For A Memorial Day Closing
Planning to close on your home at the end of May? Plan ahead. Memorial Day is coming and the holiday may delay your closing.
Planning to close on your home at the end of May? Plan ahead. Memorial Day is coming and the holiday may delay your closing.
Lenders are reserving lowest rates for the customers with high FICOs. Here's a few ways to improve your credit score quickly.
Will your home gain value over the next 12 months? Nobody can know for sure, but should recent housing trends continue, there's concrete reason for optimism.
With Halloween behind us, retailers are in the Holiday Spirit. Businesses know that consumers spent a median $556 on holiday gifts last year and they want this year to be just as strong.
With home appraisals, every valuation dollar can matter. With that in mind, here are a few tips for maximizing your home's appraised value.
It's no secret. Rates are low right now. And, it's not just mortgage rates, either -- all types of rates are scraping rock-bottom. Borrowing rates, lending rates and savings rates are at or near their all-time lowest levels.
Credit cards of all types do what they can to improve consumer loyalty. Offering free perks is just one way in which they try.
If you plan to buy a rental property , or to convert your current residence for long-term rental, make sure your home is properly insured. A traditional homeowners insurance policy may be unsuitable for landlords.
If you plan to buy a rental property , or to convert your current residence for long-term rental, make sure your home is properly insured. A traditional homeowners insurance policy may be unsuitable for landlords.
Like for the rest of the U.S. workforce, Labor Day is a popular vacation time in the real estate, title and mortgage industries. Closings can be slower to come together when the parties involved are on holiday.