C21AG is Proud to Host Valerie Garcia Sharing About "Humans, Storytelling & Chaos"

May 22, 2020

Our meeting will start at 2:45 and we will be joined by our International Speaker at 3:00 PM.

We are really lucky to have Valerie Garcia join us this Friday to share a presentation entitled "Humans, Storytelling & Chaos"  -  How to talk to your audience, serve your people, and manage your message when your routine is upside down.

Valerie is a thoughtful and insightful human being who brings a really great perspective on the manner in which we interact and tell our story to our customers, clients, family, friends, and colleagues.  I cannot describe her better than she describes herself - "I am a speaker, consultant, and encourager who works with entrepreneurs and businesses to help them grow, improve, and overcome fear. I believe that bravery and storytelling can change the way we do business, the way we communicate with our customers and make us happier people."

This will be the best Friday afternoon you've had in a while - and we've had some pretty great Friday afternoons recently!

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