Mortgage Applications

Can I Qualify for a Mortgage After Declaring Bankruptcy? Yes — and Here’s How

It may feel like a daunting task to consider buying a home after you've declared bankruptcy, and there's no doubt that it's an uphill battle. Fortunately, while you'll have hard work ahead, there are things you can do in order to make your dream of home ownership a possibility. Whether you've just declared bankruptcy or some time has passed, here are some things you should consider before getting into the market.

By |2017-08-10T01:54:12-04:00July 11th, 2017|Home Mortgage Tips|Comments Off on Can I Qualify for a Mortgage After Declaring Bankruptcy? Yes — and Here’s How

Are You ‘Mortgage Pre-approval Worthy’? Learn How to Assess Your Finances in 10 Minutes

Finding the right home and the right mortgage can take a lot of time and energy, so it's important to consider whether you'll be prepared for approval before diving into the process. Whether you've had some financial setbacks or you just want to have an idea ahead of time, here are some ways to quickly determine if you'll be pre-approved for a mortgage.

By |2017-08-10T01:55:23-04:00April 26th, 2017|Home Mortgage Tips|Comments Off on Are You ‘Mortgage Pre-approval Worthy’? Learn How to Assess Your Finances in 10 Minutes

Did You Know: 3 Reasons Why Mortgage Pre-approval Should Be Your Very First Step

There are so many details involved in the mortgage process that you may not be aware of what pre-approval is if you've just entered the market. However, pre-approval assesses your ability to make monthly mortgage payments and can be an important first step in the home-buying process. If you're currently contemplating a home purchase, here's why you may want to consider pre-approval first.

By |2017-08-10T01:56:22-04:00March 10th, 2017|Home Mortgage Tips|Comments Off on Did You Know: 3 Reasons Why Mortgage Pre-approval Should Be Your Very First Step

Self-Employed? Here’s What You’ll Need to Get a Mortgage Approval

There's a lot of flexibility and personal freedom associated with self-employment that can be a great benefit to your lifestyle and your pocketbook. If you've recently become self-employed or have been in the game for a while, here are some things you may want to consider before submitting your mortgage application.

By |2017-08-10T01:58:04-04:00December 21st, 2016|Home Mortgage Tips|Comments Off on Self-Employed? Here’s What You’ll Need to Get a Mortgage Approval

Understanding ‘Disposable Income’ and How This Will Impact Your Mortgage Approval

If you're wondering how much home you can truly afford and how your cost of living will fare for your mortgage approval, here are some of the details on what you can expect when it comes to finding a home at an affordable price.

By |2017-08-10T01:59:43-04:00September 27th, 2016|Home Mortgage Tips|Comments Off on Understanding ‘Disposable Income’ and How This Will Impact Your Mortgage Approval
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