Real Estate Tips

Thinking About Selling in 2016? 3 Reasons You’ll Absolutely Need a Great Real Estate Agent

Whether you're familiar with the market or you've never sold a home before, an effective real estate agent can be exactly the thing you need to make for a positive market experience. With the world of real estate in a constant state of flux, here are a few reasons why the right agent can successfully guide you through the muddled waters of the market.

By |2017-08-10T02:03:54-04:00March 3rd, 2016|Home Seller Tips|Comments Off on Thinking About Selling in 2016? 3 Reasons You’ll Absolutely Need a Great Real Estate Agent

Mythbusting: is Winter a Bad Time to Buy a Home? No – and Here’s Why

The cooler months of winter often seem like the best time to hibernate into your house and wait for spring to appear, but it can actually be a prime opportunity to start looking for a new home. If you're not interested in waiting until next season, here are a few reasons you may want to get started on your home search a little earlier than expected.

By |2017-08-10T02:04:41-04:00January 27th, 2016|Home Buyer Tips|Comments Off on Mythbusting: is Winter a Bad Time to Buy a Home? No – and Here’s Why

How Do I Determine The Initial Offer?

As you'll see in this video, unless you have a buyer's agent remember that the agent works for the seller. Make a point of asking him or her to keep your discussions and information confidential.

By |2017-08-10T02:04:51-04:00January 15th, 2016|Real Estate Tips|Comments Off on How Do I Determine The Initial Offer?

Dealing with the Summer Heat? How to Keep Your Home Cool Without Using a Ton of Energy

Many people look forward to the long, relaxed, sunny days of summer, but they also dread opening up their energy bills throughout the summer months. Cooling a home can be costly, and many are searching for convenient ways to lower cooling costs without sacrificing on comfort inside the home on the warmest days of the year.

By |2017-08-10T02:06:53-04:00June 26th, 2015|Around The Home|Comments Off on Dealing with the Summer Heat? How to Keep Your Home Cool Without Using a Ton of Energy

Real Estate Roundup: The Top 5 Apps to Use When Buying or Selling a Home

Just as you may use various mobile apps to streamline and simplify other aspects of your life, you can also use some well-designed apps to improve your overall experience when you are buying or selling property. These are some of the best apps for you to use as you move forward with your real estate plans.

By |2017-08-10T02:08:00-04:00May 8th, 2015|Real Estate Tips|Comments Off on Real Estate Roundup: The Top 5 Apps to Use When Buying or Selling a Home

Understanding Commissions and How Your Real Estate Agent is Compensated When Your Home Sells

When you make the decision to sell your home, you may eagerly seek assistance from a skilled real estate agent. With a closer look at how real estate commissions are earned, you will see that your agent will work hard for his or her compensation.

By |2017-08-10T02:08:41-04:00April 8th, 2015|Real Estate Tips|Comments Off on Understanding Commissions and How Your Real Estate Agent is Compensated When Your Home Sells

Taking an Extended Vacation? Renting Your Home to Long-term Tenants is a Great Option

If you have the luxury of taking an extended vacation, you may have your sights set on adventure and relaxation. However, you also need to consider the practicality of leaving behind your home and belongings for an extended period of time. A great idea is to take on a long-term tenant for your home, and there are a number of benefits that you can enjoy by doing this.

By |2017-08-10T02:09:07-04:00March 12th, 2015|Real Estate Tips|Comments Off on Taking an Extended Vacation? Renting Your Home to Long-term Tenants is a Great Option

Buying or Selling Your Home? Follow These Three Tips to Ensure a Stress-free Real Estate Transaction

Buying or selling real estate is a significant milestone in life. Frequently, it means that a new phase is starting, whether it's a new job, a new relationship, or moving to a new area. However, when the most basic steps are missed, this transition can be fraught with stress and disaster. To ensure a smooth deal, home buyers and sellers alike should be sure to mind the following tips.

By |2017-08-10T02:09:52-04:00February 11th, 2015|Real Estate Tips|Comments Off on Buying or Selling Your Home? Follow These Three Tips to Ensure a Stress-free Real Estate Transaction

2015 and Kitchen Design: Three Trends That You Need to Be Aware of Before You Renovate

Renovating your kitchen is an excellent way to improve its look, increase the value of your home and appeal to a more diverse range of home buyers if you decide to sell. However, a kitchen remodel can easily cost $10,000 to $20,000 or more, which is why you want to make choices that you can live with.

By |2017-08-10T02:10:16-04:00January 22nd, 2015|Around The Home|Comments Off on 2015 and Kitchen Design: Three Trends That You Need to Be Aware of Before You Renovate

Trying to Sell a Home with Tenants Still Living Inside? These 3 Tips Will Make Your Life Easier

Are you thinking about selling a home that you have rented out for some additional revenue? In today's blog post we'll explore how to sell your home while you're renting it out to tenants and share three tips that can make the process a bit easier.

By |2017-08-10T02:10:31-04:00January 9th, 2015|Real Estate Tips|Comments Off on Trying to Sell a Home with Tenants Still Living Inside? These 3 Tips Will Make Your Life Easier

Moving This Winter? Here Are 5 Relocation Tips That Will Help Ease the Stress of Moving

Moving is not exactly enjoyable at any time of the year, but it can be especially stressful in the winter. Moving all of your items when it is snowing and blowing outside makes things a lot tougher. However, if you prepare accordingly and have the right attitude, you'll find that your move will go much smoother.

By |2017-08-10T02:10:52-04:00December 23rd, 2014|Real Estate Tips|Comments Off on Moving This Winter? Here Are 5 Relocation Tips That Will Help Ease the Stress of Moving
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