Real Estate Tips

3 Useful Tips for First-time Homebuyers Trying to Navigate the System

Whether you're tired of renting, need more space or want to make an upgrade, buying your first home is the solution. However, if you have never participated in the market before it can be a bit daunting at first. Let's explore a few useful tips that are helpful for first-time homebuyers who are new to the process of buying real estate.

By |2017-09-13T12:40:03-04:00September 13th, 2017|Home Buyer Tips|Comments Off on 3 Useful Tips for First-time Homebuyers Trying to Navigate the System

Ready to Buy Your First Home? Don’t Forget to Check Your Credit Score – Here’s Why

If you are planning on engaging with a mortgage lender, you'll need to have your finances in order. In today's post, we'll share a few key reasons why you'll want to check your credit score well in advance of buying your first home.

By |2017-09-12T12:40:03-04:00September 12th, 2017|Home Buyer Tips|Comments Off on Ready to Buy Your First Home? Don’t Forget to Check Your Credit Score – Here’s Why

Selling Your Home? 3 Secrets to Getting the Best Price

Are you ready to sell your home? Whether you're just starting to make your plans or you're ready to list now, you likely want to know how you can get top dollar. It's going to take more than just throwing up a high price on the listing and waiting for a buyer to show up with a check. With that in mind, here are three secrets to ensuring that when you sell your house or condo, you get the best possible price.

By |2017-09-08T12:40:03-04:00September 8th, 2017|Home Seller Tips|Comments Off on Selling Your Home? 3 Secrets to Getting the Best Price

Four Mistakes to Avoid When Making an Offer for Your Dream Home

You've scoured the new home listings, been to all the open houses and have finally found the home of your dreams. It is now time to draft an offer and begin the negotiation process. Below we'll share four mistakes that you will want to avoid when making an offer on your dream home.

By |2017-09-07T12:44:26-04:00September 7th, 2017|Home Buyer Tips|Comments Off on Four Mistakes to Avoid When Making an Offer for Your Dream Home

Real Estate Negotiations: 3 Tricks That You Can Use to Ensure Yours Is the Winning Bid

You've toured through a number of listings, attended all the open houses and have found your potential new dream home. Now the hard part begins, especially if you're working against other buyers who are keen on getting the same home as you. Let's take a look at three tricks that you can use to make sure the bid you submit on a home is the one that wins.

By |2017-08-31T12:40:02-04:00August 31st, 2017|Home Buyer Tips|Comments Off on Real Estate Negotiations: 3 Tricks That You Can Use to Ensure Yours Is the Winning Bid

Trying to Sell Your Home As a Fixer-Upper? Highlight These Key Areas to Attract Eager Buyers

Are you going to sell your house in the near future? If it's a bit of a 'fixer-upper' - meaning that it's in need of some renovation work - you may find some challenges in marketing it to potential buyers. Reducing the listing price is one option available to you, but there are other ways to highlight this kind of home. Let's have a look at three key areas that you'll want to focus on when trying to sell a home in less than perfect condition.

By |2017-08-24T12:40:02-04:00August 24th, 2017|Home Seller Tips|Comments Off on Trying to Sell Your Home As a Fixer-Upper? Highlight These Key Areas to Attract Eager Buyers

First-Time Home Sellers: Don’t Miss These 4 Tips That Will Keep Your Sale Moving Smoothly

Are you selling your home? If it's your first time going through a home sale, you've probably got a lot of questions about the process. In today's post, we'll share four tips that can help to keep your home sale moving along smoothly. Let's get started!

By |2017-08-15T12:40:03-04:00August 15th, 2017|Home Seller Tips|Comments Off on First-Time Home Sellers: Don’t Miss These 4 Tips That Will Keep Your Sale Moving Smoothly

Go Big or Go Home: 3 Reasons Why Your First Home Should Be a Spacious One

Buying a home for the first time? One of the key considerations you'll need to make is just how much 'house' you want to buy. While going minimal might seem like a good idea to save on costs, having a smaller living space can end up cramping your lifestyle in many ways. Let's take a look at three great reasons why your first home should be roomy, spacious and luxurious.

By |2017-08-11T12:40:03-04:00August 11th, 2017|Home Buyer Tips|Comments Off on Go Big or Go Home: 3 Reasons Why Your First Home Should Be a Spacious One

Yes, You Should Take the Plunge and Buy a New Home in 2017. Here’s Why

Are you thinking about buying a house, apartment or condo? In many markets across the country, there's never been a better time than now to become a homeowner. In this post, we'll share a few reasons why the conditions are right to jump into the market and buy a new home.

By |2017-08-10T01:53:38-04:00August 9th, 2017|Home Buyer Tips|Comments Off on Yes, You Should Take the Plunge and Buy a New Home in 2017. Here’s Why

3 Ugly Truths You’ll Discover Trying to Buy a Home Without a Real Estate Agent

Many people, whether they are new to the market or have purchased a home before, consider investing in a home without the help of an agent. While there are benefits involved with going it alone, there are also a number of drawbacks that can significantly impact the success of your home purchase. If you're wondering about the difficulties involved in going "agent-less", consider the following points.

By |2017-08-10T01:53:43-04:00August 4th, 2017|Home Buyer Tips|Comments Off on 3 Ugly Truths You’ll Discover Trying to Buy a Home Without a Real Estate Agent

The Five Most Common Overlooked Expenses When Selling a House

Most homeowners are so enthusiastic about putting their home on the market and getting the price they're hoping for that the expenses involved in selling a home are forgotten. However, it's often said that one has to spend money to make money, and selling a home is no exception! If you're wondering what kinds of overlooked expenses will cut into your home sale, here are some costs to consider.

By |2017-08-10T01:53:45-04:00August 2nd, 2017|Home Seller Tips|Comments Off on The Five Most Common Overlooked Expenses When Selling a House
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