Real Estate

Getting A Lower Interest Rate During A Refinance

There are a lot of people who have spotted the record-low mortgage rates right now and are wondering if they can refinance successfully. While many people apply for a refinance of their current home loan, not everyone will be approved. Furthermore, a home refinance is not the best option for everyone. Those who want to qualify for record-low refinance rates need to keep a few key points in mind.

By |2020-12-22T05:00:00-05:00December 22nd, 2020|Real Estate|Comments Off on Getting A Lower Interest Rate During A Refinance

A Guide To Understanding Mortgages And Marriage Agreement Settlements

When people end up taking out a mortgage, there is a lot they need to consider. This includes the size of the down payment, the term of the loan, and the interest rate. At the same time, there are a few issues that could complicate the way a mortgage is paid off.

By |2020-12-10T05:00:00-05:00December 10th, 2020|Real Estate|Comments Off on A Guide To Understanding Mortgages And Marriage Agreement Settlements

Working From Home Could Mean A New Home

There are a lot of people who are working from home for the first time. There are a lot of advantages that come with working from home, such as the opportunity to develop stronger relationships with family members, the chance to save money on gas, and more autonomy over the work schedule. In addition, this could also mean a new home.

By |2020-12-09T05:00:00-05:00December 9th, 2020|Real Estate|Comments Off on Working From Home Could Mean A New Home

4 Ways COVID-19 Has Had An Impact On The Home Lending Process

The COVID-19 pandemic has impacted everyone and this includes the real estate industry. One of the biggest impacts that this pandemic has had involves the home lending process. Because many people are looking for ways to buy a home while engaging in proper social distancing measures, the industry has had to adapt. Learn more about some of the changes the COVID-19 pandemic has forced on the home lending process.

By |2020-10-08T05:00:00-04:00October 8th, 2020|Real Estate|Comments Off on 4 Ways COVID-19 Has Had An Impact On The Home Lending Process

Falling In Love With An Imperfect Home

When people start the process of trying to find a home, they want to make sure that they take the time to get this decision right. The reality is that a home is the most expensive purchase that most people are ever going to make. As a result, they need to make sure they find a home that will meet their needs.

By |2020-10-06T05:00:00-04:00October 6th, 2020|Real Estate|Comments Off on Falling In Love With An Imperfect Home

Three Do-It-Yourself Seasonal Home Improvement Projects

Owning a home comes with a lot of joy and responsibility. Many homeowners are looking for improvement projects that they can do themselves. There are a few options that rise to the surface. Take a look at some of the fun projects that most homeowners can do at home!

By |2020-09-18T05:45:00-04:00September 18th, 2020|Real Estate|Comments Off on Three Do-It-Yourself Seasonal Home Improvement Projects

How To Find The Right Color Combination For Your Home

There are lots of decisions that people have to make when it comes to the decorating scheme of their home. One of the key decisions that homeowners face involves the color scheme. Some people are afraid to talk about their color schemes for fear of making the wrong decision; however, the only way to make the right decision when it comes to the colors in the home is to discuss the situation. Have no fear because there are a few steps that all homeowners can take to make sure they nail their home's color scheme.

By |2020-09-16T05:15:00-04:00September 16th, 2020|Real Estate|Comments Off on How To Find The Right Color Combination For Your Home

Restoring A Patio On A Budget: 3 Simple Tips

There are lots of homeowners who are looking at their patio and are not satisfied with what they see. This is where it is important to think about ways to bring that patio back to life. Whether this means entertaining friends or simply relaxing with a cocktail and a book, there are a few easy ways to bring a patio back to life.

By |2020-09-03T05:00:00-04:00September 3rd, 2020|Real Estate|Comments Off on Restoring A Patio On A Budget: 3 Simple Tips
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